Friday, December 19, 2014


        The lesson of this quarter is the continuation of HTML. With different level because this quarter we combined everything that we learned from the start up to the last one.

  Though, I may not that smart nor genius, our teacher help us cope up with the lesson if ever we have trouble and it sets my mind in lightness. I don't have the capability to learn fast. I don't have the ability to learn things easily but I thank my teacher and my classmates for taking their time and help me learn the things that I don't know.

         ICT is great subject it helps me learn new things that I want to know more and unravel the secrets that are hidden in technology.


          New Year is considered to be the most important and wonderful holiday. Where all the family members get together and celebrate the coming of the new year at midnight of December 31st. And it's in our traditions that we list out everything that we ever wanted to change, either laid-out on a piece of paper, or just a mental note in your head. We call it NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTION. The New Year is rather than looking back or reminiscing to the things we had done from the beginning up to the last one and looking forward to the up coming year.

          When 2014 came, I thought nothing would happen that everything will stay as it is but I was wrong. There were a lot of things that happened and memories that are unforgettable especially that I'm on my last year as a high school student. Bad or good this things happened that I will surely won't forget until the end. Experience that can't change nor erase from me that wound my soul and heal the blood that drip from me. Every tear that fell from my eyes because of the joy and sorrow, will be my treasure that I will carry to the next year. That will make me a stronger and a better person. And change me for the better. 

Friday, December 12, 2014


       The cool breeze that sways the leaves, the singing of children on the streets, the lights and lanterns decorated in every houses, the happy reunion of every families. This are just some of the signs that Christmas is already coming. The time of December has come again and it came along with the joys of Christmas.
          Christmas is best enjoyed when it isn't centered on decorations, gifts, or festivities, but when love is at it's core. LOVE is the essence of Christmas. Christmas should mean taking quality time with our families. It's about cherishing and celebrating the love we share. Christmas is also the best time to renew our bonds of love. It's a perfect time, a wonderful time when loved one's can show appreciation for each other. It's also a great time to use that love to build bridges of understanding, acceptance and forgiveness.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

It's in our hands

        Climate change is a change in the statistical distribution of weather patterns when that change lasts for an extended period of time
         Our planets climate is already changing at an alarming rate. The reason for this is the activities of the human race in past decades up to the present. Like the cutting of tress to make something new but after cutting those trees, they don't actually replace it to bloom a new tree. Which is unfair because humans made a material that can make them happy in just a minute but not a life long. Let's face it trees clean the air, trees refresh the surroundings and it can also stop floods and soil erosion.When it comes to the bodies of water, humans just throw their trash in any parts of water without minding what will happen to the fishes in there or what will be happen next if they just keep putting their trash there. Effect of this doings of humans? Well, it will surely kill some fishes and can also have floods from the garbage that they have thrown.
         Just like the quote said"If you do what you always did, you will get what you always got" This just show that it is us humans that are suffering from the actions that we made. And the price that we got from our irresponsible actions are doubled because of the climate change that we encounter nowadays.
          A word from a fourth year high school just like me "If we can destroy things, we can also fixed things using our own hands with all our might ". :)

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Outpouring Hearts and Minds Through English Literacy And English Proficiency

       English adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides and in respect, it irrigates the desserts that our lives have already become.
        How could we communicate in other nation? It's simple, it is through English, the universal language. Even though there are still who aren't that yet comfortable in English because of their grammatical errors, we must try harder and dig deeper in learning English for it gives us all success and it unlocks everything that are in our way. Let us all remember that English makes our dark society in to a brighter one. It is our soul. Without English we are nothing. and without English we can't survive in this world. Yes, English  plays an important role in our lives so we must learn all about English with all our minds and hearts to make everything easier.

Sunday, November 9, 2014


       "All men are created equal, it is only men themselves who place themselves above equality."
       Alot of people discriminate because of their race, sex, religion, nationality, age, mentality etc. Judging them from their outward self and habits as is they are perfect judging the imperfect ones. hurting other feelings to satisfy themselves? Is this what they call happiness? Laughing the imperfections of others, criticizing the different from them. And making them as if they were a big joke in this world. The result? Well, it' very usual, the self esteem of this certain person will be lowered. Thinking that he/she is not good enough to prove his/herself to them.
        This doing of people really can't be deny making oneself anxious of his self. But I think this things can't be practice by man because everyone is unique in his/her own way. He/She has his/her own talent to show, he/she has the right to prove himself to everybody. Because I believe that everyone is different in all aspects. I really wish that one day where people will not judged by the color of skin but by the content of their character.

Sunday, October 19, 2014


       Time flies by so fast and I didn't even realize that second quarter has already end. The second quarter was okay because I learned something amazing about the html tags. I never knew that since this grading quarter.
       Hyper-Text Mark Up Language or html is the topic that we tackled this second quarter. I learned a lot of tags and how to use this things. There are a lot of html editors but we used the Notepad. So yeah we focused on the different tags and had different kinds of activities to make us more understand the tags. I didn't find the tags hard but sometimes I got confused and put different one because there are many kinds of tags.
       For the next quarter, I will work harder and gain more knowledge to improve myself because maybe someday I will use this in the near future.



        Every year we experience the school level competition for sports called Intramurals. Intramural program is one that is carried on within the confines of a school or institutions. Its purpose is to offer an opportunity for voluntary participation in a varsity type program.
        Last September, was the start of Intramurals. The players felt excitement to compete each other and win the contest but it's not only the athletes who felt excitement but also the non-athletes who will have a free day and make themselves satisfy from the booths that are put by different clubs and watch different kinds of sports that are into their taste.

        I thought our last Intramurals as a high student would turn out well but I was wrong, it was the worst one ever. I didn't enjoy anything because of the rain. The Intramurals went like that, a rainy and windy Intramurals. It really didn't feel like Intramurals at all because of the typhoon. I guess the saying was right that never expect too much because it might just get disappointed of what to happen.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Thank You

         Teacher's are our second parents who teach us what else we want to know about life and other things that we may use in our life as we grow old. Without teachers there won't be any professionals that we know today or the next generations. They also motivate us students to work hard enough to finish things step by step just like how parents do to their children. When were at school, they are there to teach , care, love, cherish etc. for us even though we don't share the same blood, they still treat us students as their children or a part of their family.

         Teacher's are all part of our lives from the start we entered school. Throughout those years of studying I can say that we all evolved from a naive children to an educational one. They fixed all together our puzzled mind in this crazy yet beautiful world. They open up our mind, our creative sides and most of all they find our strengths. Teachers also polishes us to make us a better and improve person we were yesterday. And I believe that this reasons are enough to salute and respect all the teachers that makes our future more brighter and clearer.

Sunday, September 7, 2014


          All educational institutions across the country, from preschools to tertiary schools is celebrating the National Science Club Month this September. The theme for this year's National Science Club Month celebration is "Immunation: Arming Science Clubbers with Healthful Defenses Towards National Wellness". The theme is a play on words on ammunition and immunization. They like the science clubbers to be armed/ to be immune against diseases through imparting knowledge about diseases, how they spread etc. The goal is not only the science clubbers that benefit from this knowledge but also the school and the communities and thus leading to national wellness. All of this was explained by the Philippine Society of Youth Science Club or PSYSC.
        That's why the science clubbers put different kinds of activities to set precautions to the other students and be with them to be armed/ to be immune in all kinds of diseases. And I believe that this activities will help students to be strong and healthy

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

My Wonder-woman ♫♪♫♪

          Almost all of us think of superman, batman, spiderman and all the other Marvel heroes when we say the word "HERO". All the man with super powers are considered superhero, well that's some people think. A hero that is a fictional character that is only made by a human mind and can never be true. But what if there is a hero in this world?But he/ she doesn't have any powers, he  is only a mere human like us. And can we really call him a hero without any superpowers like the characters we see in movies or comics?
        From a teenager like me, I consider my mother as a hero. A hero that is always there for me. She is always there to care, to love and to cherish me. Even if the world let me down, she's there by my side with a smile and let my negative feelings fade. Sometimes, I feel hatred towards her but she never respond with the same hatred that I have, instead she replaced the hatred with love. My mother isn't the sweetest like candy but she is the kind of candy that will surely make you smile.
        I love my mother. She don't have any powers at all like the heroes we see but she's always there at all times especially when you're in need. Maybe the power she have is the power of love which she always carry from the start of her life and became more stronger when she said"I do" in front of the Lord. 

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Filipino: Wika ng Pagkaka-isa


   Taon-taon ipinagdiriwang nating mga Pilipino ang buwan ng wika sa buwan ng Agosto.
Sa buwan na ito, pinapaalala sa mga Pilipino ang paggamit natin ng wikang Filipino. Ang samahan ng Filipino ay gumawa ng iba't-ibang aktibidad o paligsahan na nagbibigay mensahe sa mga estudyante na ating pahalagahan ang ating wika dahil ito'y napakaimportante para ating maintindihan ang bawat isa. " Filipino: Wika sa Pagkaka-isa", ito ang tema ngayong taon na ating pagdiriwang ng buwan ng wika. At ito ay tumatalakay sa pagkaka-isa ng bawat Pilipino na magaganap kung tayo ay magkaintindihan sa paggamit ng ating wika mismo at wala ng iba.
         Ang pagkakroon ng sariling wika ay sadyang napakaganda. Sariling wika na ating nauunawaan at naiintindihan.Sariling wika na nagsisilbing puso at utak ng bansa upang tayo'y magka-isa. Kaya wikang Filipino ay ating pagyamanin at gamitin.

Friday, August 8, 2014


       In this first quarter, I learned a lot of  things. I learned that the internet was not only made by one person but it was made because of the contributions of one person to another. And it was developed almost every year by the years go by. Easy way of searching is also included in our lesson that's why I can search things faster. 
         Sometimes our station has a slow connection that makes some of the posts that I make are delayed. Besides the slowing of connection in our station, there's no other problems, that makes me sometimes frustrated.
          I accept the reality that the connection is slow because there are a lot of computers/desktops connected to the internet and wait for it until it responded. 
          Sometimes we just gonna wait to finish a task and accept that everything has it's limit.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Truth or Lie?

    President Benigno  "PNoy" Aquino III successfully delivered his fifth State of the Nation Address (SONA) at the Batasang Pambansa Complex in Quezon City and discussed matters regarding the country’s economy, defenses, public works, education, and many more.
     In his speech, the government was address as a great leader. There was no truth of any major problems in the politics, and he did not also put in his speech the things thats making the country crashed, and that is the corruption of the governments. The way the president delivered his speech was so good to listen because he said that they are trying their best in developing the country. But the sad truth is that all what he had said was all lie because if they really are doing all they can then why is it that the country is still in crisis? I think that the speech of PNoy is the opposite on what is really happening in the political world and also in the Philippines.
     This SONA is his fifth which means he only has one more before he will finished his term from being a president of the Republic of the Philippines . And every Filipino's wants to know more about what is really happening in the impeachment complaints because of DAP, territorial disputes, pork barrel scam, energy problems and more.
    Benigno "PNoy" Aquino III is the president of the Republic of the Philippines and being the president, he must trust his people and tell them the truth behind but he did not and kept it to himself.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

"Kalamidad Paghandaan, Gutom at Malturnisyon Agapan"

     During the month of July, all of us celebrate the nutrition month where we celebrate the importance of eating nutritious food. This activity is conducted by the T.L.E. and STEP clubs where they put different kinds of activities that will surely convince or help us improved our eating habit in nutritious food and take less of the junk foods, especially today's generation that everybody enjoys eating junk foods.
     "Kalamidad Paghandaan, Gutom at Malturnisyon Agapan" is the theme for this school year 2014-2015. It talks about us being ready in all the phenomena's that are coming in our ways. You must be thinking why or how can eating nutritiously help us in being ready in phenomena's or calamity.There are few reasons like; it will help us in staying healthy and not catching any illness, we can still help others in terms of needs when they can't do it anymore because of the calamity. So stand forth and face the calamities that are coming our ways through the help of the nutritious food which serves our shields.
     Proper nutrition is the only thing we need now. Our existence will mean a lot as well as our goals if we can just eat nutritiously.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Letter to the President

July 03,2014

Dear Mr. President,
          I would like to congratulate you for your success as the president in the Philippines. I may not say there are a lot of achievements that you made but the projects that you did, made a lot of improvement here in the Philippines. I salute you not as the son of the late Senator Benigno Aquino Jr. and the late President Corazon Aquino but as the President of the Republic of the Philippines, who is trying to do what he has to improve things in the country.
          In this letter I will enumerate  some of your contributions. You've created the "no Wang-Wang" policy and this was practiced through your inaugural address. This is one of your contributions that made government vehicles using sirens properly and only using this in case of emergency situations. In line of education, you made the k-12 education. The k-12 education is not really acceptable for the other parents because it will be a burden for them in spending more money before their children graduations but for me i think it's alright because the new curriculum will make the students have more knowledge before their college. And lastly, your slogan "Kung Walang Corrupt, Walang Mahirap" and "Matuwid na Daan, tungo sa Magandang Kinabukasan", this are slogan that marked in our heads through your election days. And when you became the President, you really did put an action through it, an example of it is the pork barrel scam, and even if they are in Senate, you put an equal judgement through them with the ordinary people who commit crimes and put some of them behind bars.
          I want to thank your for your hard work sir. Thank you for making improvements for the Philippines. I hope you can have more improvements to make Philippines a better place. And  as you are improving the country, you are also improving yourself to be the greatest president in the Philippines.
Truly yours,
Joana Paula Villanueva