Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Thank You

         Teacher's are our second parents who teach us what else we want to know about life and other things that we may use in our life as we grow old. Without teachers there won't be any professionals that we know today or the next generations. They also motivate us students to work hard enough to finish things step by step just like how parents do to their children. When were at school, they are there to teach , care, love, cherish etc. for us even though we don't share the same blood, they still treat us students as their children or a part of their family.

         Teacher's are all part of our lives from the start we entered school. Throughout those years of studying I can say that we all evolved from a naive children to an educational one. They fixed all together our puzzled mind in this crazy yet beautiful world. They open up our mind, our creative sides and most of all they find our strengths. Teachers also polishes us to make us a better and improve person we were yesterday. And I believe that this reasons are enough to salute and respect all the teachers that makes our future more brighter and clearer.

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