Sunday, November 9, 2014


       "All men are created equal, it is only men themselves who place themselves above equality."
       Alot of people discriminate because of their race, sex, religion, nationality, age, mentality etc. Judging them from their outward self and habits as is they are perfect judging the imperfect ones. hurting other feelings to satisfy themselves? Is this what they call happiness? Laughing the imperfections of others, criticizing the different from them. And making them as if they were a big joke in this world. The result? Well, it' very usual, the self esteem of this certain person will be lowered. Thinking that he/she is not good enough to prove his/herself to them.
        This doing of people really can't be deny making oneself anxious of his self. But I think this things can't be practice by man because everyone is unique in his/her own way. He/She has his/her own talent to show, he/she has the right to prove himself to everybody. Because I believe that everyone is different in all aspects. I really wish that one day where people will not judged by the color of skin but by the content of their character.

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