Friday, February 6, 2015



           Last grading has already started and it's almost at the end. Our lesson for the last grading is none other than Photoshop. This gadget is very popular to the people work in magazines, photographer and others that includes picture as their hobbies or occupation because it is the only way to make the image more presenting than it was before.

             I didn't find many hardship in using the Photoshop because it was discuss in our second year or third year days. So understanding the use of the tools took only a couple  of times before I understood it. Well, it's not that it was just taught to us in our lower year level that I understand it easily but also because of the help of my classmates who help me understand the things that are confusing and Mrs. Veracruz who took her time teaching us to use  the Photoshop properly.
          Our graduation is almost near, so I want to thank all the people who took part of my high school life and help me to become what I am now. And for that, I will do my best in college life. No, not just my college life but throughout my life....
           THANK YOU !!!!!! ♥♥♥♥

My Dream, My Future ?

              My dream?  As of now I still don't know. I close my eyes and dreamed of things that can never come true. Fantasy that my mind create because of eagerness to accomplish something that can make me proud of my self. And I really found myself happy with this kind of dreams that is out of reach. But when I open my eyes, I come to reality that this things only exist when I close my eyes. I stood up on my bed thinking that how can I make my real future if I dream big?
         Well, as I go to school 7 am - 5 pm, little by little I'm making my own future to a better by learning things that can help me choose my own future. The delusions that I once have are now fading but instead, dream of reality is growing and it's about to reach it's own limit as time passes by.
          My future that I only have the rights to hold and take. I can't edit nor change my future so I'm going to try my best to find what is destined with me. The future that holds the key of my happiness and content is waiting for me as I took a step on my college life.

Thursday, February 5, 2015



         Our world is in engrave danger. The rising of poverty. Pollution is everywhere. Destruction is all over the place from the lowest part until the highest part. With this things happening, did we ever ask our selves what can we do to stop this things to live a better and peaceful life? To change the worsting planet to a more improve one, not for just our self but for our love one's as well.
           I'm still young and have to pass through more hardship to learn more but I believe I can do things to change the world even in a little way. Yes, even the young one's can help lessen the destruction of planet because age doesn't mater when it comes to improving things and it's never to late if we start moving now. Planting trees is one solution to help the planet to be brighter by eliminating the pollution cause by the motors. Proper disposal of garbage is also a must to make our surrounding more cleaner. There are a lot of things that we can do to change but the number one thing that we must do to change for the better is discipline in order to save our Mother Earth.
           We must remember that our planet is more precious than a expensive jewel and we can't buy nor get any other than the Earth. So we must take care of it and if possible restore it's own beauty, that one's it have.

KANNAWIDAN : Ylocos Festival

          Kannawidan is a festival that strengthens the Ilocano culture, recognize Ilocos Sur's soms and daughters who brought honor to their province, celebrate the abundant harvest or just to celebrate the Ilocano spirit that continues to drive locals to make their province rise.
          Different trades, different agriculture and stocks who joined in one place to sell or advertise their products. Joyful events and mesmerizing products are all here to see.
          Kannawidan is an unforgettable and memorable festival to all the people in the Ilocos Sur because it aims to create awareness on the preservation of the province rich agricultural heritage, practices and traditions. So let us all enjoy this event, the KANNAWIDAN FESTIVAL that all the people waits every last week of January up to the designated date.