Friday, December 19, 2014


        The lesson of this quarter is the continuation of HTML. With different level because this quarter we combined everything that we learned from the start up to the last one.

  Though, I may not that smart nor genius, our teacher help us cope up with the lesson if ever we have trouble and it sets my mind in lightness. I don't have the capability to learn fast. I don't have the ability to learn things easily but I thank my teacher and my classmates for taking their time and help me learn the things that I don't know.

         ICT is great subject it helps me learn new things that I want to know more and unravel the secrets that are hidden in technology.


          New Year is considered to be the most important and wonderful holiday. Where all the family members get together and celebrate the coming of the new year at midnight of December 31st. And it's in our traditions that we list out everything that we ever wanted to change, either laid-out on a piece of paper, or just a mental note in your head. We call it NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTION. The New Year is rather than looking back or reminiscing to the things we had done from the beginning up to the last one and looking forward to the up coming year.

          When 2014 came, I thought nothing would happen that everything will stay as it is but I was wrong. There were a lot of things that happened and memories that are unforgettable especially that I'm on my last year as a high school student. Bad or good this things happened that I will surely won't forget until the end. Experience that can't change nor erase from me that wound my soul and heal the blood that drip from me. Every tear that fell from my eyes because of the joy and sorrow, will be my treasure that I will carry to the next year. That will make me a stronger and a better person. And change me for the better. 

Friday, December 12, 2014


       The cool breeze that sways the leaves, the singing of children on the streets, the lights and lanterns decorated in every houses, the happy reunion of every families. This are just some of the signs that Christmas is already coming. The time of December has come again and it came along with the joys of Christmas.
          Christmas is best enjoyed when it isn't centered on decorations, gifts, or festivities, but when love is at it's core. LOVE is the essence of Christmas. Christmas should mean taking quality time with our families. It's about cherishing and celebrating the love we share. Christmas is also the best time to renew our bonds of love. It's a perfect time, a wonderful time when loved one's can show appreciation for each other. It's also a great time to use that love to build bridges of understanding, acceptance and forgiveness.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

It's in our hands

        Climate change is a change in the statistical distribution of weather patterns when that change lasts for an extended period of time
         Our planets climate is already changing at an alarming rate. The reason for this is the activities of the human race in past decades up to the present. Like the cutting of tress to make something new but after cutting those trees, they don't actually replace it to bloom a new tree. Which is unfair because humans made a material that can make them happy in just a minute but not a life long. Let's face it trees clean the air, trees refresh the surroundings and it can also stop floods and soil erosion.When it comes to the bodies of water, humans just throw their trash in any parts of water without minding what will happen to the fishes in there or what will be happen next if they just keep putting their trash there. Effect of this doings of humans? Well, it will surely kill some fishes and can also have floods from the garbage that they have thrown.
         Just like the quote said"If you do what you always did, you will get what you always got" This just show that it is us humans that are suffering from the actions that we made. And the price that we got from our irresponsible actions are doubled because of the climate change that we encounter nowadays.
          A word from a fourth year high school just like me "If we can destroy things, we can also fixed things using our own hands with all our might ". :)